At Cape Fear, we believe generosity matters! We believe too that our generosity is an act of worship. How we view our finances and how we share our finances communicates something about the position of our hearts. Jesus told us that our treasure follows our hearts (Matthew 6:21), and with that in mind we want to live in such a way that our finances communicate our heart’s dependence on God. By giving back to God, we are aligning our hearts with him and depending more and more on him for his provision.

Cape Fear is more interested in your discipleship and the position of your heart than your finances. We never want to communicate ‘give’ simply to give. Rather, our desire is to communicate give because your heart is in line with what God is calling you as his disciple to do: be generous!

Our encouragement: dive in and see what God does as you give. We don’t give to get, but we know too that we receive incredible blessings from God as we live a disciplined life for his purposes. We are blessed as we align our hearts with his desires.
Online giving is a safe and convenient method to support the ministries of Cape Fear. Not only are you deciding to give purposefully in advance (a huge step of faith), but you are also building the church by providing consistency and allowing us to better plan our operations such as local and global outreach. You may choose a one-time gift option or schedule a repeating gift that can be altered by you at any time.